Health share organizations have gained extra attention as a viable healthcare alternative for many people. Though a small industry, there are many health share plans to choose from. However, each of them comes with its own membership requirements. If you plan to become a member, you need to check whether you fit the eligibility criteria. Let us examine some of the common eligibility criteria set by health-sharing plan providers.
Ethical Principles
At the heart of any health-sharing plan is a fundamental ethical value or religious belief that acts as the cornerstone for all sharing and decision-making. Some older organizations maintain strictly religious affiliations, while others emphasize a healthy and positive lifestyle. Prospective members have to agree to a written set of standards to acknowledge these principles. The requirements may range from simple agreement with certain principles to more stringent conditions.
Healthy Living
Leading a healthy lifestyle is a common theme among most of the leading health share plans. Avoiding harmful substances and habits like illicit drugs, tobacco, and excessive alcohol is a general requirement for most organizations. These requirements are most included in the statement of beliefs, thus focusing on proactive health management.
The policies of health-sharing organizations vary significantly in terms of tobacco use. Some consider tobacco completely off-limits and stipulate strict no-tobacco-use conditions. The motive is that members should lead a healthy lifestyle and abstain from tobacco, which is an integral part of the commitment.
While there are some other organizations that do not accept members who use tobacco, they often provide additional stipulations to counterbalance the risks associated with tobacco use. This may include additional fees paid with the regular monthly payment or an upfront agreement that medical costs arising from smoking-related complications are not eligible for sharing.
Pre-existing Conditions
Pre-existing conditions usually do not hinder the acceptance of a health-sharing plan. However, it often comes with specific conditions. The organization may accept a new member with pre-existing conditions, considering that the costs related to such a condition will not be shared until a certain predefined period has passed. This helps maintain the financial stability of healthcare while also acknowledging pre-existing conditions.
Regional Availability
The geographical location of the prospective member usually doesn’t affect eligibility for a healthcare plan. So many organizations do not pursue or accept new members in certain states. However, these restrictions do not apply to all organizations. This means that prospective members should do their own research and verify their eligibility with a certain company based on their state of residence.
To Sum Up
Joining a health-sharing organization is a relatively straightforward and simple process. Health sharing plans welcome anyone who agrees to live by their defined standards and principles. These standards generally lead to health benefits for the members in the long run. Thus, the health sharing industry is opening ways to a community-based approach to managing healthcare costs that align with personal beliefs in health management. They offer a unique and beneficial alternative to traditional health insurance.
Disclaimer: MPB.Health memberships are a non-insurance solution designed to provide access to healthcare services. To determine if this aligns with your specific needs, we recommend consulting a certified expert advisor.
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